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15 November 2023

The Art of Japanese Energy Healing: Restoring Balance and Well-Being

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When we talk of alternative medicine, we realize that much of it is based on the traditional medicinal practices of various parts of the world, quite often the Indo-Pacific region.  Traditional Japanese medicine with its unique beliefs and teachings has given a strong foundation to this centuries-old traditional medicine. Among those various alternative medicines is Japanese energy healing, commonly known as “Reiki”.

Traditional Japanese Medicine believes that health comes from “balance” between different aspects of our lives.  That includes our diet, physical activities, our emotional and mental health, and some form of spiritual connectedness.

Reiki - The Art of Japanese Energy Healing

The Japanese ancient traditions have given the world a great gift known as Reiki which is gaining worldwide recognition for its ability to promote our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Based on the concept of an “energy” that flows through the body from a number of centers, called “chakras” along energy lines around the body. Various imbalances in a person’s life can cause or be caused by a “damming up” of energy in the chakras which can manifest as physical, mental, or emotional systems. This energy can be redistributed by the individual or, in more severe cases, by a practitioner.

The Japanese energy healing practice involves a healthy practitioner helping an unhealthy patient to regain health by rebalancing their energies. This is often done by the practitioner placing their hands on the patient in order to help redirect their energies.

It is reminiscent of “faith healing” practiced by various religions in the Americas and is one of the ancient for-runners of modern chiropractic.

While no one (at least not in the Americas and Europe) can get medical degrees in Reiki, there are institutions that certify Reiki practitioners. If you go to a Reiki practitioner, you may ask to see their certificate.

They may also have degrees in some other health field such as chiropractics, physical therapy, etc. That being said, there is virtually no risk at all involved in Reiki. While there are stories of Reiki helping people, there aren’t a lot of stories about people blaming worsening conditions or the appearance of new conditions on Reiki done wrong.

A quick search on the internet can bring up a wealth of information on Reiki or Japanese energy healing but if you prefer print sources, Diane Stein’s "Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide To An Ancient Healing Art” is a great start.

The History of Reiki

Although Reiki’s origin is traced back to the early 20th century, the rediscovery efforts are credited to Dr. Mikao Usui.  Dr. Usui was a Japanese Buddhist which led him to uncover ancient healing techniques that involved channeling and manipulating life force energy to promote healing.  He combined these techniques with the religious elements of Buddhism, Taoism, and Shintoism to create the foundation of Reiki that we know today.


The Principles of Reiki

Reiki is built upon several important principles that guide both the practitioner and the receipt:

  • Ki (Life Force Energy): The practitioners of Reiki believe that there is a universal life force energy that flows through all living things. When this energy is blocked, it can lead to physical or emotional distress.
  • Hands-On Healing: Reiki is typically administered through gentle, hands-on, or hands-off techniques. Practitioners are trained to channel the universal energy through their hands to the recipient, helping to restore balance and vitality.
  • Holistic Approach: It takes a holistic approach to healing, recognizing that physical, emotional, and spiritual health are interconnected.  It seeks to balance these aspects of well-being.
  • Self-Healing: It encourages individuals to take an active role in their own healing process.  Anyone can learn and practice Reiki making it accessible for self-care and personal growth.


The Techniques of Reiki

The sessions typically follow a specific structure that includes:

  • Preparation:  The practitioner prepares themselves and the healing space, ensuring it is calm, clean, and peaceful.
  • Centering: The practitioner aligns themselves with the universal life force energy and enters a meditative state to facilitate the flow of ki.
  • Hand Positions: The practitioner places their hands lightly on or near the recipient's body, following a sequence of hand positions designed to address specific energy centers and pathways.
  • Energy Flow: The practitioner channels Reiki energy to the recipient, with the intention of removing energy blockages and promoting balance and healing.
  • Integration: The session concludes with a sense of grounding and integration, and the recipient is often given feedback and guidance based on the practitioner's observations.


Benefits of Japanese Energy Healing

Japanese energy healing has gained popularity due to its potential to provide a wide range of benefits:

  • Stress Reduction: Reiki can help reduce stress and induce relaxation, which can support overall mental and emotional well-being.
  • Pain Management: Some individuals have reported relief from physical pain and discomfort after Reiki sessions.
  • Emotional Healing: Reiki may help individuals process and release emotional trauma, promoting a sense of peace and emotional balance.
  • Improved Sleep: Many recipients experience improved sleep patterns and increased energy levels after Reiki treatments.
  • Spiritual Growth: For some, Reiki is a tool for spiritual exploration and personal development.


Japanese energy healing, or Reiki, is a fascinating practice that has the potential to transform one's life. It promotes balance and well-being on multiple levels. Whether you're seeking relaxation, relief from physical discomfort, or a path to emotional healing, Reiki offers a unique and ancient approach to achieving these goals. Consider exploring the world of Japanese energy healing to experience its benefits firsthand and discover a path toward holistic health and wellness.



Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical professional for any health conditions or symptoms associated with them. Every possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material. We make no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability of its contents or any omissions.

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